CV. Brumund is a multimedia artist born in the US and trained in Europe. Her creative process is enriched by a certain fluidity between mediums, (painting, drawing, engraving, video, installation etc) resulting in diverse plastic solutions to recurring themes; identity, life and death or, more recently, censorship. The universe of the artist - absurd and surrealist - plays on quirky details, subtle differences and slight variations. She depicts her models in rather unexpected poses with with bemusement and generosity to sublimate the individual. The elimination of her first Instagram account ( after the publication of nude paintings ) led C.V. to focus on the redefinition of the portrait and representation of the body. Exhibiting internationally since 2010, and collaborating since 2014 with Dr. Jacqueline Bonds at the SIAC Art Institute in Chicago in her course  Language and Mind, visual communication through composition . Interest in large-scale painting has taken her to Mexico City, where she lives and works.
Graduating ENSBA (Paris) in 2013, CV.Brumund integrated the decorative painting school of Van Der Kelen Logelain in Brussels, since she has worked painting sets with ‘Esfumato’ in Silla , Spain, the Sol LeWitt estate in Mexico City, and on many other private decorative projects.
Dado que durante la pandemia artistas perdieron sus espacios usuales de trabajo y fuentes de ingreso, se propone la plataforma espacio AGNI como foro/galerÃa alternativo para la exhibición de trabajo creativo y como una fuente alterna de ingresos.
Objetivo :
Parte del objetivo es crear un ambiente de convivencia saltando las fronteras tradicionales entre público y creador/artista que encontramos en galerÃas y salas de concierto. Se busca a través de un ambiente festivo y ludico, tener un intercambio creativo y retroalimentación espontáneos. Parte esencial del proyecto es que los asistentes puedan convertirse a su vez en colaboradores en futuros eventos (exposiciones, conciertos, activaciones) de modo que se propicie una gestión de intercambio horizontal y circular.
Del mismo modo, se busca incentivar la inter y trans - disciplina como eje rector y creativo del proyecto.